Chunky bracelets are the new MUST HAVE statement accessories. DIY Bangles produces great blank wooden bangle bracelets in a variety of sizes and styles. These bracelets are so much fun to decorate; paint them, stone them, stamp on them, decoupage them, wrap them…..the possibilities are endless.
For this bracelet, I am using various widths of redline double face tape, and Art Glitter to produce a dazzling striped bangle bracelet.
You will need: DIY Bangle blank, Fast Finish Decoupage, Red Line Tape in various widths, 3 Colors of Art Glitter Ultra Fine Opaque Glitter (I used True Red, Pumpkin and Old Gold), soft brush, scissors, paint brushes, Luminarte Polished Pigment or acrylic paint.
Begin by mixing about 2 tablespoons of Fast Finish Decoupage with Pigment or Acrylic paint. For this bracelet I used Luminarte Polished Pigment color Yellow Rose. If you don’t have this available, use a little bit of acrylic paint to give the Decoupage the desired color. Brush the mixture on the bracelet working from side to side rather than around the circumference. Once the outside is dry, paint a coat on the inside of the bracelet; smoothing any drips or brush lines. This finish dries fairly quickly and non-tacky which is important when working with glitter.

Once your bracelet is completely dry, begin taping stripes of redline tape around the bracelet. Start with a nice straight edge at one side of the bracelet. Press the tape down and snip the tape at the opposite side with your scissors. Smooth the tape down around the curve of the bracelet with your fingers. Mix the widths of the stripes and butt some of the stripes up next to each other, for others leave spaces for the wood to show thru.

Now for the fun part…..Pour the three shades of glitter into three separate pastry liners or cupcake liners.
(This is a great way to use up the leftover Sponge Bob cupcake liners that your child has outgrown.)
Remove the red plastic from one of the strips and roll the bracelet into one color of glitter.
Be sure to roll it from side to side to completely coat the exposed tape.
Use your soft brush to brush the excess glitter back into the liner.
(A make-up blush brush works well for this.)
Move to the next stripe and roll the bracelet into another color.
(Note that in this picture, there are only 3 tape sections. I got a little over anxious to see what the glitter was going to look like and hadn't done the rest of the taping yet.)

Repeat until all the tape stripes are covered in glitter.
Brush all excess glitter off the bracelet.
Finish with a coat of Fast Finish Decoupage (without pigment or paint)
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